QT vs QML: Which is the Best Choice for Your App Development Project?

QT vs QML: Which is the Best Choice for Your App Development Project?

As a developer, you have a range of frameworks and tools to choose from when building an app. Two popular options are Qt and QML, both of which are widely used in the industry.

So, which one is the best choice for your project? Let's take a closer look at the key differences between Qt and QML to help you decide.


Qt is a general-purpose framework for building cross-platform applications that run on desktop, mobile, and embedded platforms. It provides a wide range of tools and libraries for building apps, including a powerful integrated development environment (IDE) called Qt Creator.

QML, on the other hand, is a declarative language specifically designed for building user interfaces. It is easy to learn and use, and is often used to build visually appealing and interactive apps.


Qt is written in C++, while QML is a declarative language. If you or your team are already familiar with C++, Qt may be a good choice for your project. On the other hand, if you are new to programming or prefer a language that is easier to learn and use, QML may be a better option.

Development process

Qt provides a wide range of tools and libraries for building apps, including Qt Creator, which is a powerful IDE that can speed up the development process. QML is designed to be used in conjunction with Qt and is often used to build the user interface of Qt apps.


Qt is compatible with a wide range of platforms, including Windows, macOS, Linux, Android, and iOS. QML is also compatible with these platforms and can be used to build apps that run on them.


Ultimately, the choice between Qt and QML will depend on your specific needs and goals. Qt is a powerful framework that can be used to build a wide range of apps, while QML is a good choice for building user interfaces and creating visually appealing apps. If you are building a Qt app, you may want to consider using QML to design the user interface, as it can make the development process faster and easier.

Both Qt and QML are powerful tools for app development, and either one could be the right choice for your project. It's important to carefully consider your needs and do your own research before making a decision.